Tag Archives: road safety

Fuel efficient drivers make safer drivers

Edmund King, President of the AA:
Our latest AA/Populus poll of more than 16,000 drivers shows that three quarters of them are cutting back on journeys, cutting back on other expenditure, or cutting back on both, due to the high cost of fuel. However, there is another way to counter the fuel prices – drive more efficiently.

We’ve always taken a keen interest in ways to increase fuel efficiency in the UK. But as well as helping drivers to save money – not to mention protecting the environment – there are many ways in which fuel efficiency is also linked to safer driving.

We try to engage with drivers on the subject of fuel efficiency by giving them handy hints and tips which are practical and easy to adopt. We deliver these both via our website and through our Drive Smart lessons, a number of which we’re adapting to apply the Shell smartercabdrivers tips and offering as prizes to Twitter followers of the Shell Smarter Cab Drivers project. Amongst these tips, drivers will find that sticking to a sensible speed limit, driving smoothly and accelerating gently will mean you use less fuel as well as becoming a safer, steadier and more reliable driver in the process.

We have recently formed the AA Charitable Trust for Road Safety and the Environment to offer training to newly qualified drivers to help them improve on their driving skills as well as their safety. The uptake for this type of training is always high as the benefits are so obvious – ensuring the safety of yourself and those around you, while managing to save money on fuel at the same time.

We’d encourage everyone to take a look at the fuel efficient driving tips on www.smartercabdrivers.com.

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