Inside the Mind of a Cabbie report to download

As part of the Shell Smarter Cab Drivers challenge – aimed at helping British drivers become more fuel efficient and save money by making simple changes to the way they drive – the Royal Society for the Arts (RSA) has been working with our cab drivers to better understand the factors that influence their everyday lives and which prevent them from making meaningful, sustained changes to their driving behaviour.

Following a series of workshops with the drivers, RSA has produced an interim study report ‘Inside the Mind of the Cabbie’ which explores the day-to-day issues they face in great detail and provides a series of initial recommendations and suggests as to how they can be influenced to drive more fuel-efficiently.

You can take a look at the RSA’s report by visiting the RSA’s website, or you can download the report directly from here.

Download the RSA's 'Inside the Mind of a Cabbie' report, commissioned by Shell

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